
Sustainable Rights and Duties

Care of Fauna and Flora in our establishments

Tourist Information 2022

Quality and sustainability policy

Sustainable Rights and Duties

We can find in detail the duties and rights that correspond to each of the guests, clients, collaborators, suppliers to feed sustainability together with us.


Know the sustainability policy, campaigns, activities that are carried out in the hotels and can also participate in each of them.

They can make use of all the services offered by the hotels, abiding by and responding correctly to the sustainability requirements that they are informed of or are aware of.

Guests and clients have the right to know the culture of our hotels and facilities.

Clients and guests have the right to raise their voices about the service provided in the establishments, their conditions and the environment.

Guests and customers have the right to obtain an environment of respect, harmony and welcome from all the staff that make up PROMOTORA HOTELERA SANTOS DE PIEDRA

Guests and clients have the right to good security and care for their integrity and health within all facilities.

Clients have the right to seek advice from the reception teams or directly from the administrative office on the reservation procedure or any other service provided at the establishment free of charge.

Clients and guests are free and have the right to make improvements or suggestions and good comments in each of the establishments.

Guests and clients have the right to know which are the sustainability policies and procedures and strategies that are applied and where they are directly involved.

Guests and clients have a duty to fully respect and abide by sustainability information that is reported to them or is known to them. For example: the check-in paperwork that receptionists complete for guests needs to be amended with short paragraphs outlining sustainability responsibilities or introduce a new sustainability format for guests.

Guests and customers have the duty to respect each of the duties presented in the sustainable tourism sector standard (NTS-TS-002).

In the case of clients, carry out strategies such as sustainable messages either in menus, surveys, etc. (Strategies where the client is informed that we are hotels in search of sustainability and at the same time is committed to it).

You have a duty to respond to or approach internal company personnel if something happens in the facilities where they are located.

He has the duty to respect and not harm the internal culture of the establishment and the external one.

Guests and clients have the duty to respect all types of signs found in hotel areas.

Guests and customers have a duty to care for resources such as water and energy.

Guests have the duty to respect all the procedures that are done within the facilities.

Guests and customers have a duty not to disclose information that may affect the operation and image of the hotel. (quality, safety or environment).


Collaborators and suppliers have the duty to abide by and comply with the requirements established in the sectoral standard on sustainability and other activities that are directly associated with the development of sustainability, taking into account the field of each one (collaborators and suppliers).

Collaborators have the duty to respond to the activities as proposed by senior managers.

Collaborators and suppliers have the duty to answer for the hotel’s facilities and resources. If these are affected by activities that they carry out at the time, the collaborator or supplier will be responsible for it.

Collaborators and guests have the duty to attend all the trainings carried out by the organization related to sustainable development.

Collaborators and suppliers have the duty to respect each of the duties presented in the sustainable tourism sector standard (NTS-TS-002) through supports such as a check list.

Collaborators and suppliers have the duty to abide by all the policies that apply to each hotel.

Collaborators have the duty to speak and express themselves with respect to all internal personnel or all personnel who are in the company’s facilities.

Collaborators and suppliers have a duty to take care of each of the spaces.

Collaborators and guests have the duty not to divulge information that may alter the development or image of the establishments.

Employees have the duty to fully care for the natural resources that are managed in the establishments (energy, water).


Collaborators and suppliers have the right to know the sustainability policy and everything that composes it.

Collaborators and suppliers have the right to have training and retraining on what is fulfilled and what is sustainable. In addition, they also have every right to be informed or find out about what has been implemented within the sustainability system.

Collaborators and suppliers have the right to obtain fair and timely payments, whether for activities entrusted to them (collaborators) or for services rendered (suppliers).

Employees have the right to be respected and treated correctly regardless of their position.

Collaborators and suppliers have the right to express their opinion in a respected and calm manner every time they perceive non-conformities, whether in processes carried out by infrastructure, environment, etc. To retaliate and purchase improvements.

Collaborators and suppliers have the right to respect natural resources, green areas, facilities.

Care of Fauna and Flora in our establishments

Santos de Piedra hotel promoter wants to be identified by the conservation and support in the Fauna and Flora that we give from our establishments, caring for and publicizing our green spaces identified by the most representative shrub and tree species of our hotels where the native species of the destination.

We invite you to avoid the collection, commercialization, traffic and consumption of animal or plant species that do not have the respective permits and licenses granted by the competent environmental authorities.

Enjoy the wonders of our hotel with full responsibility.


Penalty regime: Law 1333 209 and Colombian Penal Code Article 328


Anyone who, in breach of existing regulations, appropriates, accesses, captures, maintains, introduces, extracts, exploits, takes advantage of, exports, transports, trades, explores, traffics or in any other way benefits from the specimens, products or parts of the fauna, forestry, floristic, hydrobiological, coral, biological or genetic resources of Colombian biodiversity, will incur a prison term of sixty (60) to one hundred thirty-five (135) months and a fine of one hundred thirty-four (134) to forty-three one thousand seven hundred and fifty (43,750) monthly legal minimum wages in force*.

Join sustainability, grow and enjoy responsibly!

Tourist Information 2022

USER Cartagena de Indias – Santos de Piedra Hotel Promoter.

Cartagena de Indias is more than sun, sea and sand, Cartagena has a large number of museums, monuments, streets, walls, colonial houses and various sites for the tastes of all travelers, ideal for rediscovering history, or why not, creating your own.


Cartagena has 19 km of beaches within its urban area, they are generally warm waters, ideal for sunbathing, among which we have:

Big Mouth

the lake

the mouthpiece



Take care of our beaches, they are part of our beauty and Caribbean touch.


Sculptures, walls, bastions and a fort… The monuments, as if together they formed a book, tell you the most improbable (but true) stories of the important figures of the city. The story is not told, you live it!

San Felipe Castle

india catalina

The vaults

Clock tower

The walls of Cartagena

The old shoes

the old boots

duana square

Church and convent of San Pedro Claver

santo domingo square

Museum of Modern Art

Gold Museum

Palace of the Inquisition and Historical Museum

dock the pegasus

heredia theater


Below, you will find some tips on how to practice sustainable responsible tourism during your stay in the city of Cartagena.

Protect monuments, paintings, beaches when you are enjoying these magical spaces

Do not throw garbage out the window of public and private transport vehicles, beaches, floors, etc.

Take a thermos bottle of water with you. Getting it filled in your accommodation with fresh water and thus avoiding the generation of more waste in corridors, corners, tourist sites and surroundings

Respect the local environment: Do not litter, cut flowers or wild plants; try to reuse water bottles and recycle where possible.

Respect the culture and traditions of the area: Be aware and sensitive to cultural differences with people around you in terms of language, customs and dress. Ask permission before taking someone’s picture.

Protect National Treasures: Do not buy authentic archaeological artifacts or those made from endangered plants or animals, such as tortoise shell, coral, or fine woods that are not reforested.

At all times avoid feeding, touching, or harassing wild animals. Contact with animals can put them at risk.

Santos de Piedra Hotel Promoter Informs its clients and guests about the applicable current legislation and the sanctioning regime related to:

The illegal traffic of goods of cultural interest in Colombia considered a crime according to Law 397 of 1997

PROMOTORA HOTELERA SANTSO DE PIEDRA seeks to promote actions among its clients and guests through responsible behaviors with the natural and social environment, heritage and culture with the aim of avoiding the generation of negative impacts through its design, operation or the provision of its services , applying and always feeding our programs:

PG for saving and efficient use of water

PG for saving and efficient use of energy

PG for the management of atmospheric, auditory and visual pollution (AVA)

PG information and awareness

Sociocultural GP

GP biodiversity

cheap PG

PG handling of chemicals

PG savings and efficient use of paper

Quality and sustainability policy

Our company PROMOTORA HOTELERA SANTOS DE PIEDRA, in addition to being focused and highly committed to meeting the objectives and strategic goals of each of the establishments, is also committed to sustainability where quality, the environment, and safety and health at work abound. , taking into account that all these systems are in pursuit of the same environmental, economic and sociocultural objective, thus forming what is integrated sustainability. We focus on not only moving forward but also leaving beautiful and new experiences for our guests, guests, external personnel, and suppliers that require our services. We have an elegant, comfortable and very pleasant environment, a polite, empathetic staff that helps us strengthen our policy, processes and procedures that support or strengthen the sustainability of our company made up of each of our hotels committed to sustainability. It is a commitment to provide quality services, minimizing the negative impacts that may affect culture and the environment, complying with the requirements, legal provisions, and industry standards under sustainable economic, sociocultural, and environmental conditions.

Just as our collaborators are committed to sustainability from their position profiles, our clients, guests and suppliers will also be involved in responding responsibly and with commitment to their rights and duties regarding sustainability, either through a letter issued by our company, QR, guest contracts ETC.


Our sustainability will also depend on legal requirements that we have to meet in order to be a hotel company aimed at established guidelines.

We are 100% informed to protect even the life, well-being and prevention of the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. With this our organization is against exploitation.

Achieve a culture committed to flora and fauna, cultural aspects supported by our activities

Maintain culture, compassion, respect for the people who surround us, avoiding discrimination, whether due to their language, aspects, etc.

We must create protective environments, to guarantee the integral development of boys and girls, free of exploitation, racism and discrimination. PHSP is against everything that is related to exploitation, misuse, disregard or alteration of Natural, socio-cultural and economic aspects.